Manufacturing of pressure components of the boiler
To provide a comprehensive customer service we are offering realization of: pressure components of the boiler and their equipment, flue gas and air ducts, steel structure, components for the „hydraulic transportation” system.
Our offer
- Collective chambers of: shielding, water heater, superheaters
- Skewbacks (throats) for: main burners, ignition burners, OFA nozzles, SAP nozzles, temperature sensors, ammonia injection and others,
- Coil pipes of: water heater, flue gas superheaters,
- Pipe air heaters,
- Steam coolers,
- Burners housing,
- OFA nozzles,
- Boiler drums separations,
- Ducts,
- Suspension elements,
- Supporting structures,
- Elements of gantries,
- Traverses,
- Elements for large mass transportation systems.
We are providing technical consulting and support in the scope of assembly of above mentioned components.
We are performing tests and trials on new manufactured components, confirming proper performance. The products manufactured by us have all required necessary permissions and certificates.
Our solutions
To guarantee the highest quality of our poducts, we are performing works according to acknowledged quality management system ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001.
By application of the latest logistic solutions and application of modern technologies and devices we can guarantee to our customers quick realization of the manufacturing process and very high quality of our products.

Our potential
We are using for manufacturing of pressure components of the boiler materials of highest quality, having all required test and attestations.
Well-qualified staff and good equipped workshop facility with CNC machines for machining can guarantee high quality of our products. (read more about the service).
Our solutions
To guarantee the highest quality of our poducts, we are performing works according to acknowledged quality management system ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001.
By application of the latest logistic solutions and application of modern technologies and devices we can guarantee to our customers quick realization of the manufacturing process and very high quality of our products.