The Laboratory Of Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests can offer to its customers a wide selection of destructive and non-destructive tests in the sector of castings, forgings and welded connections.
We are the laboratory with 60 years experience; the practical knowledge obtained in this time as well as its continuous enlarging cause that we are able to perform every order. We are helping our customers by solving their problems regardless of the place, time and date.
We are cooperating with:
UDT, TÜV SÜD, TÜV NORD, TUV RHEILAND, DEKRA, ABS, Bureau Veritas, DNV, Lloyd`s Register,
Our offer
- Technology acceptance tests acc. to standards PN EN ISO-15614 and PN EN 1090
- Tests according to the guidelines of following regulations: ASME, DNV, AD2000, TRD, ,API and others.
- Tests of examination stub pipes of welders acc. to standard PN-EN ISO 9606-1:2014
- Tests of trial and control stub pipes acc. to standard WUDT–UC–WO–W/11:10
- Diagnostic tests of pressure devices acc. to PED 97/23/EC
- Diagnostic tests of atmospheric tanks
- Diagnostic tests of hoisting devices
- Diagnostic tests of steel structures
- Tests of materials and metallurgical products
- Comprehensive tests of pipelines.
- Volumetric and surface tests of large-size cast elements by means of among others high current flaw detectors
- Evaluation of technical condition of devices with designation of degradation and time of safe operation
In the scope of non-destructive tests we are offering:
Non-destructive tests
- Visual direct and indirect tests by means of a video-endoscope, probe length 10 m, probe diameter 8 mm.
- Penetration tests
- Magnetic powder tests – tests performed by means of yoke flaw detectors and high current flaw detectors (6000A)
- Radiographic examinations by means of X-ray lamps and gamma radiography apparatus ( Iridium-192, SE-75)
- Ultrasonic tests of welds and materials
- Ultrasonic test – method TOFD and Phased Array.
- Ultrasonic thickness measurements
- Hardness measurement with portable hardness testers.
- Measurements of ovalization and creeping of pipelines.
- Examinations of chemical analysis by means of portable devices:

Our potential
The destructive tests and non-destructive tests laboratory has a generous selection of test equipment of renowned companies.
Well-qualified engineering and technical staff, having international certificates within the scope of all test methods, ensures highest quality and precision of performed tests.
The factor distinguishing our laboratory on the market is its almost 60 years of experience. The obtained practical knowledge as well as its continuous enlarging is the reason why we are able to solve every, even the most difficult problem of our customers.
We have implemented and certified quality system in compliance with requirements of the standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, granted by Urząd Dozoru Technicznego (UDT) Laboratory Acceptance Certificate No. LBU-024/09 together with the Subcontractor’s Certificate UDT LB-024/09 in accordance with requirements of the specification DT-L/09.
All tests and measurements can be performed on the basis of the applied EU directives, appropriate technical specifications, i.e. harmonized standards, UTD conditions, regulations of AD Merkblatt , DNV , TRD, as well as ASME regulations or other requirements according to the customer’s requirements.
We are helping our customers by solving problems regardless of the place, time and date. We are available and open to our customer’s wishes – performing tasks countrywide and abroad.