Engineering services
Our offer
To assure a complex customer service, as a complement of the range of our services, we are offering design services including elaboration of conception and proposal of appropriate solutions concerning:
- performing of measurements of flow in difficult and untypical conditions (for many industrial branches)
- measuring and accounting systems for electric energy of generators
- upgrading of steam turbine regulation systems
Flow measurements
We are elaborating conceptions on the basis of measurement and control apparatus of our own production as well as on the basis of solutions of our partners: Siemens, ABB, Emerson, Eldridge Products Inc. Our principle is to adapt the technical solutions and measurement apparatus to individual needs of the customer.
The efficiency of solutions offered by us as well as technology reliability, is guaranteed by cooperation with leading Polish scientific and research units, among others with Instytut Spawalnictwa (Institute of Welding) in Gliwice and Politechnika Opolska.
Measuring and accounting systems for electric energy
The measuring and accounting systems of electric energy are performed on the basis of a project performed by our services of cooperating design offices. The basis of performance are:
- requirements specified in RMG dated 04.05.2017
- technical conditions included in requirements for measurement and accounting systems URE
- operation manuals of distribution networks
- condition and requirements specified by the energy receiver (e.g. Tauron Dystrybucja S.A.)
In designed solutions we are fulfilling all requirements included in the above conditions and we are performing all requirements of the customer.
The cooperation with such device suppliers as Landis+Gyr, ABB, Plesse Instruments, enables designing and performing of measurement and accounting systems in class 0,2 or higher, guaranteeing reliable operation of these devices in a long-term.
Upgrading of steam turbine regulation systems
Our scope of works includes all stages of project, from the feasibility studies to the realization of all kind of regulations, protections and functionality of steam turbine regulators. We are performing upgrading on the basis of regulators SPPA-R3000 by company SIEMENS and regulators of family 505 by WOODWARD.
Efficiency and reliability of our offered solutions is guaranteed by direct cooperation with engineers of Energy Sector SIEMENS AG and many years of experience.
Realizations of projects are performed according to the quality management system, confirmed by an appropriate certificate.