Feasibility studies&evaluation

Feasibility studies and evaluation of offers

The scope of activity includes professional power industry and general industry. Within the framework of studies and analyses over undertakings we are evaluating possibilities of investments from the technical point of view, with building of basic functional conditions, which are agreed upon with the orderer.

In the following stage we are coordinating offer actions, market research, initial projects, up to realization phase. A constant element of operation of our company is international cooperation with customers and suppliers.

Our offer:

  • Feasibility studies of a task
  • Offer process and supply market research
  • Feasibility analyses of a task
  • Conceptions of modernization of heat and power plant
  • Heat balances for the needs of modernization
  • Initial and offer projects of finished solutions
  • Basic designs


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W celu zapewnienia najwyższej jakości naszych usług stale doskonalimy swoje umiejętności sięgając po najnowocześniejsze narzędzia z dziedziny oprogramowania. W obecnej chwili wykorzystujemy między innymi:

Do projektowania:

  • SolidWorks , AutoPLANT, OpenPlant, PDMS, Robot, ProSteel, AutoPIPE, MathCAD, TRIFLEX, WiseImage ,AutoCAD Mechanical i inne

Do zarzadzania projektami:

  • Primavera, MS Project

Oraz niekomercyjne programy stworzone dla naszych potrzeb.

Posiadamy także profesjonalną obsługę oraz sprzęt do skanów i wydruków wielkoformatowych.

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